After He had suffered in the garden until drops of blood seeped from His pores.
After He had been betrayed, tormented, and mocked.
After He had been sentenced to death and nailed to a cross.
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
I am amazed at the love of Jesus.
One of the two prisoners hung next to Jesus mocked Him saying,”If you are the Christ, save us and yourself.”
But the other prisoner said, “Don’t you fear God? We are guilty and we deserve this, but Jesus has done nothing wrong. Jesus, will you remember me?”
Jesus said, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
This prisoner realized his guilt. But instead of being angry, he believed in Jesus. It seems his heart was changed and contrite at that moment.
That’s what Jesus asks of us. He wants us to believe in Him. He wants us to rely on Him and trust Him. He wants us to love Him and desire to be with Him. He wants us to follow Him.